Age is Just a Job Title - Working Past Retirement

Drive by Friday

Drive by Friday –


Are you ready to retire?  If the answer is NO, you are not alone.  There is a growing number of people who want to keep working beyond retirement age for various reasons.  Here’s a few key motivations behind this trend:


Passion for Work

Some people genuinely love what they do and derive a sense of purpose and fulfillment from their job.  For them, work isn’t just a means to an end; it’s an integral part of their identity and daily life.  Retirement may feel like losing that source of joy and engagement.


Financial Stability

Even with retirement savings, many prefer to keep working to maintain or improve their financial situation.  Whether it’s to continue contributing to their retirement fund/pension, stay financially independent, or fund hobbies like travel, work provides an extra cushion.


Staying Active and Engaged

For some, work offers a way to stay mentally sharp, socially connected, and physically active.  The routine and mental stimulation that comes with working can help prevent boredom and feelings of isolation.  It can also keep cognitive abilities sharp, reducing the risks of age-related mental decline.


Avoiding Early Retirement Pitfalls

People who retire early sometimes find themselves struggling with lack of purpose or motivation.  Continuing to work can keep life structured and meaningful.  The social interaction, problem-solving, and creative tasks that many jobs involve offer a sense of continuity and fulfilment.


Exploring New Career Paths

Some individuals use the traditional retirement age as a point of transition rather than an end point.  This is the time to explore new careers, start a business, or work in a completely different field that aligns with their passions or interests.  Working in a new capacity can be invigorating and offer a fresh perspective on life.

In today’s world, where life expectancy and health outcomes have improved, continuing to work beyond retirement age has become an appealing and acceptable option for many who feel like they still have more to give.

Check out this previous article:

Value of hiring mature workers — Simpli-U Recruitment Solutions

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