Measuring Workplace Wellness

Drive by Friday

Drive by Friday –


Remote work has turned the traditional office into a virtual workspace, and with that comes a fresh set of challenges for measuring workplace wellness.  Suddenly your living room is doubling as a conference room, and your furry friend is now the unofficial office mascot.  We might laugh at this, but it is a reality of what has happened since COVID made the home office a reality. 

Gone are the days when you could stroll past an employee’s desk to gauge their day to day engagement.  With remote work in play, we have come to rely more and more on digital cues.  Think about it – engagement can look like prompt responses in slack or active participation during zoom meetings.

To understand how employees are doing remotely, surveys have stepped up their game beyond “rate-your-mood” simplicity.  We’re talking key questions that dig deep into productivity and mental well-being because who hasn’t had back-to-back video calls and felt like a zombie at the end of it all? 

Tracking Productivity … Output vs Burnout

In an office setting, productivity might have been more measured by time in the office or hours spent at one’s desk.  In our brave new world of remote workspaces, we focus on output rather than time clocked because let’s face it – sometimes your most genius of ideas comes while brewing that third cup of coffee before noon or throwing the washing on as you race past the laundry.

We’ve got tools that track project milestones faster than you can say ‘deadline’.  Yet here’s where things get tricky – there’s a fine line between high output and burnout.  No-one wants to cross over into that path of eternal ‘Zoom Gloom’!  Measuring when enough is enough is an area of fine navigation.

The Balancing Act … Well-being Beyond Work Hours

As we navigate traditional office v virtual space, maintaining a balance becomes key.  How do leaders ensure employees aren’t working around the clock?  There’s many an answer including:

  • Use tools like surveys and apps to map the level of productivity

  • Utilise various tech tools for online log-ins or check-ins that will provide detail beyond any manual timesheet ever could

  • Encourage self-care and promote activities that support employees physical and mental well-being outside the workplace/virtual office (maintaining a healthy work-life balance)

  • Schedule regular check-ins with employees to discuss workload and overall well-being

  • Provide opportunity for open communication and support

  • Actively address any concerns or signs for burnout and track metrics around job satisfaction (what’s working and what’s not)

  • Encourage leaders/colleagues to support each other across online platforms

  • Set a daily zoom schedule so that meetings are manageable with good output

There are many ideas that can be implemented to ensure employees well-being is key and managed appropriately.

Future trends in workplace/virtual office wellness measurement

Imagine if your fitness tracker didn’t just count steps but also nudged you when it was time to decompress.  That’s where technology is heading with workplace wellness measurement – smart, intuitive, and seamlessly integrated into our working lives.

And now with AI-driven analytics we will be able to predict burnout before it happens by analysing patterns in work habits and stress levels.  A bit like having a weather forecast for employee well-being.  The rise of mental health apps is another game-changer and they are popping up frequently.  Let’s face it, sometimes we need a pocket-sized therapist reminding us to breathe during those back-to-back meetings. 

Wellness platforms are shaping up to be personal coaches that help guide employees through their day-to-day challenges while providing organisations with real-time insights into their workforce’s overall wellness check.

In short – we’re looking at an era where technology doesn’t just track what we do but helps us thrive while doing it.  Who wouldn’t want this for their employees?

Workplace wellness is essential to creating a thriving business

If emloyees thrive – business flourishes

Give some thought as to how you evaluate your workplace wellness program

Please feel free to contact me


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