Easter Break!

Drive by Friday

Drive by Friday –



Establishing boundaries between work and your personal life/timeout can often be challenging and leads to individuals working through holidays, responding to emails outside business hours, working overtime and communicating with their managers/team/colleagues when they should be kicking back and having some timeout.  It can be hard to walk away, shutdown and unwind.

Will with Easter now upon us, it is a great opportunity to do just that.  Relax, unwind and enjoy some quality time with friends, family or just by yourself.  Easter is considered a statutory holiday in Australia with Good Friday and Easter Monday recognised as public holidays across all States/Territories.

Hopefully you have some things planned to make the most of your Easter break.  If not, here’s a few ideas that might provide some inspiration.

Plan a getaway – if possible, consider planning a short getaway even if just for an overnight excursion to a beach retreat, cabin in the country/mountain or a cozy B&B – a change of scenery can do wonders for relaxation and I’m sure it’s not too late to plan that last minute getaway.

Enjoy nature – take advantage of what is left of our warmer days and spend time outdoors. I am sure we all have parks, picnic areas, nature reserves not far from us.  Take in the fresh air – it’s great for the soul.

Engage in various activities – take this time to explore your creative side or sporting  interests – these activities can be relaxing and fulfilling.

Host a gathering – consider hosting a small gathering for Easter brunch, lunch or dinner.  It’s a great time to get together with family and friends.

Indulge in self-care – treat yourself to some well-deserved self-care.  Indulge in a spa day at home or simply find that chair/couch to curl up with a good book.

Unplug and disconnect – take a break from technology and disconnect from work, related emails, calls and notifications.  Set boundaries for yourself and prioritise unplugged activities that allow you to recharge without distractions.

Enjoy Easter traditions – embrace some of the Easter traditions whether it is decorating eggs, baking easter treats, participating in egg hunts.  Engaging in these activities can be a fun way to relax and celebrate the holiday.

Rest and recharge – finally don’t forget to prioritise rest and relaxation.  Get plenty of sleep, take naps, listen to your body’s cues for rest.  Allow yourself to fully recharge so that you can return to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Buckle up and stay road focussed …

Drive safely and have an enjoyable journey during the Easter break!

Be safe this long weekend!




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