Your Dream Job

Drive by Friday

Drive by Friday –



Who doesn’t want a job they really love?  It’s something I am sure many people crave. 

Sure, some of those dream roles come with conditions – low pay, not in their ideal location, lack of specific skills etc.

To land a job you love, you must want it for the right reasons.  You have to have that desire and committed approach to chasing down your ultimate job.

If you stay focused, the odds of hitting your LOVE JOB goes way up.

I’ve had two dream jobs – one within the sporting sector and the other in recruitment.  I grew up playing tennis and when I stepped aside and decided to embark on a career, I questioned what that was.  I had a desire to continue in sport and give back to the sport that I had gained enormous enjoyment out of.   I secured the ultimate role of working with juniors in tennis and then went on to manage the women’s program.  Both roles were hugely satisfying, rewarding and every day I was grateful for my work.  Then after many years and changes within the sporting sector, I decided it was time to try my hand in the corporate arena.   I knew that my next role had to be people-focused and hence I chased down and convinced a recruitment organisation to give me an opportunity.  I stepped into a junior role and worked hard, to prove myself.  I learned a huge amount, made mistakes, hit some roadblocks at times but stuck at it.  I thrived in my role … and my hard work paid off.  I love what I do – finding solutions for my Clients and Candidates is both satisfying and rewarding.

Enough about me – let’s get back to the reality of that dream job … many people want a dream job without putting in the work.  Sorry to say, it doesn’t work like that.  99% of people don’t just stumble into jobs they love.  You might start something not knowing if you’ll love it, and maybe, just maybe, end up loving it along the way.  Keep an open mind when exploring your dream job and think about how much effort you are prepared to put in to get that job and build the ultimate career.

So, you want that dream job – HIT THE ROAD and WORK FOR IT! 

My favourite quote: 

Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life
— Confucius

Need to know more & want to chat dream jobs?



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